Hip Football Nation | No Access
Head Injury Prevention (HIP) Football- HIP Football, Powered by SporstMarkit, is 11 vs 11 football as you know it, just emphasizing no head to head contact, 2-hand tag (hip/side), no tackling. It's key that football is taught in a full team environment which includes all 11 positions on both sides of the ball. HIP football allows all participants to play the game at a fast pace while learning proper alignment, assignment and technique through consistent repetitions and film study. These mental skills will carry over to the playing field producing smarter football players. Maintaining a healthy mind and body throughout the learning process is key and important to your student athlete's success at home, in the classroom, on the field and in the community.
HIP Football, Football, Youth Football, Washington, DC, SportsMarkit, Maryland, Virginia, DMV, Flag Football, 7 on 7, Passing League, Tackle Football
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